2024 Quilt Fellowship Program

Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation’s Third Annual Fundraiser set for Saturday, November 23, 2013, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m at Keoho Plaza/Mamiya Theatre located on the grounds of Saint Louis School and Chaminade University.
We will commence the evening with a reception featuring the live musical stylings of Hi`ikua, ono food and drink, and a silent auction. I have attached an informational poster of the event and a donation form should you or someone you know wish to donate an auction item for this event.
Once our opu are full and our thirst for the musical stylings of Hi`ikua have been quenched, we will proceed into the comforting confines of Mamiya Theatre for the O`ahu premiere of the film entitled “Islands of Sanctuary“, which documents Native Hawaiian and Aboriginal Australian resistance to significant threats to the sacredness of their lands. (If you would like to learn more about Islands of Sanctuary and the Standing on Sacred Ground Film Project, please visit http://standingonsacredground.
Saturday, November 23, 2013 • 5:00 – 9:00 PM
Mamiya Theatre at the St. Louis School/Chaminade University Campus
3142 Waialae Avenue, Honolulu
General Admission is $75 and Student Admission is $25
Admission includes ono pupu, live music, silent auction, and a great evening. Drinks will be available for purchase.
You can purchase tickets online at www.nhlchi.org or call us at (808)521-2302
All proceeds will benefit the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation, a 501(c)(3) entity. Donations are appreciated and tax deductible as permitted by law.